We Live in a Time Division Universe(转载)


Everyone Can Understand Quantum Mechanics: Motion is random and discontinuous

We Live in a Time Division Universe

The deepest implication of random discontinuous motion lies in that it entangles the world into an inseparable whole in a form of time division. Our universe is time-divided by God in a completely random way. Everything, from atoms to stars, lives in the time division universe. It looks as if the whole world is composed of many sub-worlds, each one of which occupies one tiny part of the continuous time flow, and the occupying way is discontinuous and random in essence. Schrodinger's cat in the time division universe Schrodinger's cat in the time division universe No doubt the new picture will lead to a profound shift in our world view. It implies that our universe is not a mere aggregate of independent existences, but an entangled inseparable whole in the time division form. We live in a time division universe in reality. More »


  词目 自怨自艾
  发音 zì yuàn zì yì
  释义 怨:怨恨,悔恨;艾:割草,比喻改正错误。原意是悔恨自己的错误,自己改正。     现在只指悔恨自己的错误。
  出处 《孟子・万章上》:"太甲悔过,自怨自艾。"
  示例 但倘有不知道自怨自艾的人,想将这位先生"送进疯人院"去,我可要拚命反对,尽力     呼冤的。(鲁迅《集外集・"音乐"》)
media,应读作 米迭,而不是 买碟。不学无术啊,一次次被发现。注:对于1,也有不同观点。
艾1 [ài ㄞˋ]
艾2 [yì ㄧˋ]
【艾怨】《孟子·万章上》:“ 太甲 顛覆 湯 之典刑, 伊尹 放之於 桐 ,三年, 太甲 悔過,自怨自艾,於 桐 處仁遷義。”言 太甲怨恨自己的错误,并加以改正。后以“艾怨”谓埋怨,悔恨。 张洁 《沉重的翅膀》十二:“ 万群 知道她应该不带任何感情色彩和 方文煊讲话,但,她由得了自己么?生硬和冰冷后面,是 方文煊 几乎可以触摸到的浓烈的艾怨。”
